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Support STUBS


Please Give Generously To Support Our Work


You can help us by donating using one of the following methods:

You can donate to STUBS from the TotalGiving web site. You will have the option to claim Gift Aid on your donation. Just click on the link to the left please.

You can donate via PayPal.
Just click on the logo to the left please.
You're welcome to make your donation directly to STUBS by bank transfer to Nat West Bank, sort code 60-30-06, account number 26677202. Please help us to maximise your donation by making a Gift Aid Declaration.
You can also donate via the Charities Aid Foundation who will automatically claim for Gift Aid.
Click the logo for more information.
'givingabit' is a free service, funded by their partner retailers, that enables you to support a chosen charity or good cause purely by shopping online. It does not cost you any more than the purchases you would have made anyway, you just visit the shops via givingabit.com.
Click the logo for more information.
Give as you Live enables you to raise money every time you shop online.
Click the logo for more information.
Give as you Live allows you to raise money every time you shop online.
Click the logo for more information.
Giving Online allows you to support STUBS from your pay. You pay no tax, Because the donation is taken from your gross pay, every pound you give will only cost you 80p, or only 60p if you are a higher rate tax payer. Click the logo for an application form.
You can sell items on eBay and donate the proceeds to STUBS, or you can visit our eBay store and bid on items which our supporters and sponsors have donated to us for sale.


Quick Services Charity Links
Combat Stress     ABF The Soldier's Charity     Operational Casualties Fund     Royal British Legion


Support our Sponsors
Quins   The Relocation Bureau    Support the Heroes   Allan Janes   Pacesetters    Snappy Snaps  Logitech